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Iltizam translation of masterpieces in Islamic civilization is a well that never runs dry in providing guidance and inspiration to Muslims worldwide. One of the greatest works that is a reference throughout the ages by Muslims in Malaysia is Kitab Ihya' Ulumuddin by Imam Al-Ghazali Rahimahullah. However, the 10-volume book has not yet been translated into Malay. The effort to translate Selangor's Islamic masterpieces will begin with the work of Ihya' Ulumuddin.


Chief Minister,

Selangor State Budget Speech, 2022.




The Selangor Turath Islami Festival aims to fuel interest in the Islamic scholarly heritage. This year's festival features the book Ihya' Ulumuddin by Hujjatul Islam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali and brings charactersinternational scholars, namely the former Grand Mufti of Egypt Sheikh Dr. Ali Juma Muhammad Abdul Wahab.

The festival consists of seven components:

1. Daurah AfkAr Ihya' Ulumuddin
Presentation of the main contents of all chapters of the book Ihya' Ulumuddin (40 chapters) by the former Grand Mufti of Egypt Sheikh Dr. Ali Friday.

2. The Ulama-Umara Mahabbah Dinner
The dinner involved YAB Prime Minister, YAB Dato' Menteri Besar of Selangor, guests of honor and prominent scholars and scholars.

3. Ihya' Ulumuddin Appreciation Seminar
The one-day seminar features regional religious figures and discusses topics that connect traditional treasures with the current situation.

4. Same' (reading) Character of the Prophet SAW from the book of Ihya Ulumuddin and Ijazah Hadis Musalsal
The reading of the chapter on the Prophet SAW from the book Ihya' Ulumuddin and the graduation of the chain of Hadith Musalsal (an uninterrupted chain of narration of hadith from the Prophet SAW to the audience in the event) by Sheikh Dr. Ali Friday.

5. Munaqasyah Ilmiah( Theme: Challenges to the Turath tradition in the 21st century)
Scientific discussions and questions between Sheikh Dr. Ali Jum'ah with local scholars, NGO leaders, leaders of educational institutions and academics.

6. Middle East Young Scholars Association
Gathering of Middle Eastern university graduates with Sheikh Dr. Ali Friday.


7. Muzakara Ulama-Umara
Scientific discussions and questions between Sheikh Ali Jum'ah, the main leaders of the country (YAB Prime Minister, members of the Cabinet of Ministers and Chief Ministers) and Sahibus Samahah Mufti from all over Malaysia.




1. Opening opportunities for the people of Selangor in particular and Malaysia in general to reap scientific and spiritual benefits from the presence of international scholars.

2. Trigger the public's awareness of the importance of the Book of Testaments as the main source of religious knowledge.

3. Encouraging scientific and spiritual activities among the public.

4. Encourage closer relations between scholars and national leaders.

5. Promoting efforts to publish the Malay language edition of Ihya' Ulumuddin's book which was initiated and sponsored by the Selangor State Government.

© This 2023 Selangor Turath Islami Festival website is maintained by IBDE Ilham Sdn. Bhd. (1218324-T)
(Darul Ehsan Book Initiative)

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